No Drama - No Trauma - Just Good Music & Company

Where Words Fail
Music Speaks

-Hans Christian Anderson

I believe every guitar player inherently has something unique about their guitar playing. They just need to identify what makes them different and develop it.

About us

We are a dedicated not-for-profit organization of veteran and civilian volunteers with the objective of bringing FREE music instruction, loaner equipment and companionship to our local: Military Veterans (Regular or Reserve; All Branches), First Responders (Fire, Police, EMT), Medical (Doctors, Nurses, etc.), Corrections Canada, and Canada Border Services personnel.

It’s such a wonderful opportunity to expand the local music community. Let’s face it - Canada is known for amazing music and the most kind-hearted people in the world! Are you one of them? What a wonderful opportunity to share your musical talents with our heroes in uniform.

Unfortunately, far too often the work day doesn’t end once you clock out. Both, physical and mental injuries can cause such a negative impact on our lives. As a result, it becomes easy to isolate ourselves and stop doing the things we love.

Group music lessons can offer a sense of community, a healthy creative outlet, and integrate back to the simple joys in life. Music Healing Veterans Canada looks to offer a very relaxed, fun, and casual vibe.

Don't have an instrument? No problem - we can help with that in most cases!

I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music.

Information for Prospective Students

Information for volunteers

Music Healing Veterans Canada relies entirely on the dedication of our volunteers to provide free music instruction and support to our community. Volunteers don’t need to be veterans or emergency personnel, nor do they need to have personal challenges. We welcome anyone with a passion for our program and a commitment to its success.


Volunteering with us is deeply rewarding, as you’ll see firsthand the positive impact of your efforts on our students’ lives. We have various roles to fill, including music instructors (for all instruments and genres), instructor assistants, group mentors, lesson planners, fundraisers, and mentors for those interested in public performances.


No matter your role, your contribution helps bring peace, structure, and friendship to those seeking solace and guidance through music. Join us in making a difference today!

Music Instructors

All instruments, all voices, all genres. We welcome anyone who believes they can teach their chosen instrument. Just 30 minutes of your time per week can make a meaningful difference. Your contribution is deeply valued and rewarded!

Instructors Aids

We're always seeking instructor assistants to support our instructors during group sessions. This role ensures instructors can fully focus on teaching without managing additional details.

Group Mentors

We need mentors to jam with students after their lessons. We've observed that students greatly benefit from spending time making music with others who share their interests and see accomplished musicians in action.

Lesson Planners

Lesson planning involves collaborating with instructors to develop structured and engaging lesson materials. Volunteers may help organize lesson content, create tablature for music pieces, and ensure that lesson plans are tailored to meet the needs and skill levels of our students.

Fundraising Aids

We need assistance with fundraising to sustain our music therapy programs. Volunteers are crucial in organizing events and operating information booths in busy locations like shopping malls and music festivals. Your support ensures quality music therapy for our students and volunteers.

Performance Mentors

We have students who have expressed interest in performing publicly, but may require guidance and support to navigate the intricacies of public performances. Performance mentors can provide valuable insights and assistance in areas such as stage presence, audience interaction, and overall performance skills.